Memories are Powerful!!

Having experienced loss in my life has turned me into a strange thinker.   At times I have some very  weird thoughts but don’t we all sometimes!!

My kids and I were sharing memories of Nanny this past weekend.   It was a great thing!!  I absolutely love it when my kids talk about her and the things they remember!


Before I had cancer (and facing death myself)  I would hear someone share a memory about their loved one.  I would smile, listen and be encouraged by their story.  It was great to hear what they had to say but really it didn’t affect my future outlook on life too much.   SINCE my battle with cancer and losing my brother my thoughts have changed quite a bit!   NOW I love memories!!!  I love talking about the past. I love hearing about the past.  I love hearing stories about the people of the past because their lives are important.

God created each person and they were put here on earth for a purpose and a reason.  I love to listen about how God used them to change the part of the world they lived in . . . how they affected generations to come.  I love memories – I love cemeteries (told you my thoughts are strange lol).  I walk through the cemetery looking at all the lives that once were and how they are represented on each stone.  I think about all the lives God created and how He knew their story so intimately.  He cared about their life.  He provided for them.  He wanted them to love Him . . . to experience His love.  I think about their spiritual journey . . . did they even know God . . . did they know how much He loves them. . . He sent his Son to die for their sins . . . were they able to live in that forgiveness . . . are their people missing them right now . . . do people come visit their grave???  So many thoughts, but I digress . . .

When the kids and I were sharing memories the other day, I realized how huge memories are!  It puts our minds back to being with our loved ones and reliving a precious moment in time even if only for a brief second.


My kids are going to be sharing memories of me some day!!! Now that is humbling! I want their memories to be extra spectacular of course haha!!!  So sweet and precious where the good memories definitely outweigh the hard ones.

When they share, I need to validate and give credit to their memories today because it will affect how they process memories of me (and others) when I am gone!!  I don’t want them to be afraid to share what is in their heart!

I want them to know memories help us heal . . .  whether those memories bring pain or joy.  I want them to be ok sharing even if it is painful because memories are powerful!!!  They bring back pain, yes!  But they also bring healing and comfort!!!  Sometimes we have to endure the uncomfortable pain for a little while to push past the hurt so we can experience the peace and comfort those memories will eventually bring to our hearts.
We can’t go back and relive the event.  If our memories are painful (where we were hurt by their actions) we can be thankful we never have to relive those again.  If the memories are bittersweet and precious,  remembering them gives us a chance to step back, process it and soak in all the things we may have missed in the moment.  If we let our minds stay in the memory for a moment we might be able to walk away with a better understanding of who God is and what He wants to teach us.  We can  learn how that moment has affected us . . . our personality . . . our outlook on life.   It gives us a better understanding of who we are as a result of the person we are remembering.

5 Ways Memories Can Be Powerful – And Bring Us Hope!!!

  1.  Stay in the moment just a little longer than normal and remember 1 thing that makes you grateful!
  2. When your kids express a memory of your loved one, ask them a follow-up question. This validates them as a person showing them what they think is important. It also helps them to process the loss so there can be healing and personal growth in their life.  It lets them know it is always ok to talk about their memories and feelings and you will listen and love them through it.  Wow, that’s a lot of good come from one simple follow-up question haha! (I will post more later about walking through the grieving process with our kids.)
  3.  Journal your thoughts/memories.  They will become a keepsake of their own. Memories fade so if we don’t want to lose them . . . write them down!
  4.  Make a picture journal. Pictures are worth a thousand words or in this case . . . memories. Sometimes we have pictures scattered in different places. Gathering them into one location gives us an opportunity to sit and remember our special times together.
  5. Pass it on. Share it with somebody. Share it with your kids, your spouse, a friend or someone God brings across your path that day. It will help you in your healing and encourage another person!! It also gives you another opportunity to share how this person made a difference in your world . . . God could use that memory to encourage others . . . God could use that memory to honor their life . . . God could use that memory to show each life has purpose and meaning even after they pass away!!

About admin

Hi! I'm Cathy I am the wife of an amazing husband, the mom to 4 precious kids and a follower of Jesus! The idea and content for this blog comes out of some hard life circumstances. I was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago. I have fought that battle and come out the other side, never to be the same again! I lost my brother to leukemia last year and this year my mother-in-law passed away. This is my attempt at trying to make sense out of all that. I welcome you on my journey!!

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4 Comments on “Memories are Powerful!!”

  1. Oh, Cathy!!! Yes…to this post!! I want my children to remember me as one who loved Jesus with my whole heart and tried to follow Him daily. I also want the good times to outweigh the bad. Memories are a special thing!❤️

    1. Thank you so much Melissa!!! Memories are special and each one is unique to us alone – pretty cool!! It’s so encouraging to hear your desire to live a life which shows Jesus to your children daily!! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Thank you for sharing. I need to share my wonderful memories of my parents with my grandchildren that they never knew.

    1. Oh yes Donna!! Your grandchildren would love to hear your memories!! It encourages me to hear your desire to share with them. Thank you so much!!

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